Tips for Success

Know the specific deadlines, policies, and procedures relating to your academic status, course withdrawal, course repeats, course registration, and major program application and admission. Be sure you understand all course requirements as outlined in your syllabus.

Keep track of all grades in each course. At any point and time in the semester you should know exactly what grade you have in each course. To do this, you must understand how the professor calculates your course grade as described in the course syllabus. Also, you should keep a record of each test score, paper grade, quiz score etc. which you receive. Many Professors post grades in Navigate throughout the semester to help you do this.

Go to class! It is impossible to replace the learning that occurs by attending and participating in class. "Getting the notes" is not the same as attending class.

Prioritize and organize your study and personal time into daily and weekly patterns of effectiveness. Maintain regular study hours and establish study environments in order to be productive throughout the entire semester.

Develop timelines and keep semester, monthly and weekly calendars of dates when course assignments are due. Plan effectively for exams and papers in advance by using the calendar on your phone or any other calendar you find helpful.

Talk with your professors. Visit professors during office hours and ask questions. You can also request phone or ZOOM meetings.

Review continuously in your courses. When you get exams and papers back discuss them thoroughly with your instructor. Studying for final examinations begins now!

Develop a network of resources. Make a list of phone numbers and email addresses of your faculty, advisors, tutors, and at least one other student from each class. Information about college resources is found here


Communicate, collaborate, and correspond with your family and friends as well as your campus support network.

Utilize the appropriate campus services starting at the beginning of the semester. 91做厙 has lots of support for students, including Advising Services, Math Central, Tutoring Services and the Writing Studio, The Transfer Center, The Career Center, open Computer Labs, Student Support Services, the Library, and Advising Services. The most successful students use these services!

Identify campus resources you will use. Many people use the Academic Success Center (tutoring), the Open Computer Labs, the Library, or work with Financial Aid, Advising, Veterans Affairs or Office of the Registrar through Advising Services. Many students also meet with Advisors in their majors and discuss academic issues or career goals with their Instructors. All of these people are here to help you, but it's up to you to make contact!

Plan around your strengths. As you plan for the upcoming semester, ask yourself:

  • How many classes can I take and maintain a high ("C" or better) average?
  • Am I registering for the correct classes for my curriculum?
  • Am I in the correct curriculum for my goals?

Check your Emails and Communications frequently for workshops sponsored by the Library, Student Services, Student Activities and others. The workshops are on a variety of topics that can make a huge difference in not only your success, but your enjoyment of College!

Plan for your semester. If you need to "brush up" on study skills, an excellent resource is . If you are going to take 91做厙 Online courses, register for CDL 001, a free "prep" course in being a successful distance student.

If you need assistance answering these questions, your Academic Advisor is a great resource for you. You may also seek assistance through Advising Services!

Keep in Mind...

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Students

  • Policy 1-6
  • Tip: Students who are in poor academic standing may be in jeopardy of losing their financial aid.
  • Tip: If you meet the criteria to submit a SAP appeal, be sure to complete this early. Keep in mind a student is only eligible to complete two SAP appeals while a student at 91做厙.
  • Tip: Check with a financial aid specialist prior to dropping or withdrawing from classes as it may impact your financial aid.
  • Tip: Always remember to do your FAFSA for the following year each spring!

Repeating a Course

  • Students are normally limited to two enrollments in the same course. If a third attempt is needed, special approval is required from the dean.
  • Tip: Only the most recent grade is used in the calculation of the student's cumulative GPA (not the best grade).

Graduation Requirement

  • A student must earn a GPA of at least 2.0 in their curriculum to be eligible to graduate in a program.
  • Many majors require you to retake major courses in which you do not have a "C" or higher

Academic Renewal

  • Students who re-enroll at the College after a separation of at least sixty consecutive months may qualify to have previous grades deleted from their cumulative GPA but not from your record. See this form for more details.