General GPA Information

  • Your cumulative grade point average is used to determine your academic standing (ie. President's Honor Roll, Academic Dismissal, etc.), eligibility for financial aid and scholarships, and eligibility for participation in campus organizations such as honorary fraternities (PTK) and leadership positions.
  • Only courses graded on an A-F basis are used in calculating GPA. Courses receiving the grades of P, R, S, U, I, W, or X and credit-by-exam are not included.
  • A course which is   dropped  is not calculated. It is as if you never took that course.
  • The GPA calculation never includes transfer work from other colleges. If you attend 2 colleges, you have 2 GPA's. CREDIT for a course may transfer, but the grade does not.

Repeated Courses

For students enrolled for Summer 1994 until Spring 2021, only the last grade earned in a repeated course is computed in curriculum and cumulative GPA.

Students enrolled from Summer 2021 onward, the highest grade earned in a repeated course is used in calculation of the curriculum and the cumulative GPA.

91°µÍø Community College Grading Scale

91°µÍø Grading Scale
A Excellent 4 grade points per credit hour
B Good 3 grade points per credit hour
C Average 2 grade points per credit hour
D Poor 1 grade point per credit hour
F Failure 0 grade points per credit hour

How to Calculate GPA 

  • Online GPA Calculator -   

To calculate GPA for one term:

  1. Multiply the point value of the letter grade (see grading scale above) by the number of credit hours.  The result is the quality points earned.
  2. Total the credit hours for the term.
  3. Total the quality points for the term.
  4. Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours.
  5. The result is the GPA for the term.

To calculate cumulative GPA:

  1. Calculate GPA for each term.
  2. Total the credit hours from all terms.
  3. Total the quality points from all terms.
  4. Divide the total quality points for all terms by the total credit hours for all terms.
  5. The result is the cumulative GPA.

Semester GPA Example:

Term 1 Grades
Class Credits Final Grade
ENG111 3 B
HIS101 3 C
EMS100 1 A
ITE152 3 B
PSY101 3 A

Term 1 Calculation:

B =  3 points  X  3 credit hours=  9 quality points
C =  2 points  X  3 credit hours=  6 quality points
A =  4 points  X  1 credit hour=  4 quality points
B =  3 points  X  3 credit hours=  9 quality points
A =  4 points  X  3 credit hours=  12 quality points

Add the number of quality pints for Term 1:
9+6+4+9+12= 40 quality points

Add the number of credit hours for Term 1:
3+3+1+3+3= 13 credit hours

Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours:
40/13 = 3.076 GPA

Term 2 Grades
Class Credits Final Grade
BIO101 4 C
ENG112 3 A
ART100 3 D
HIS102 3 B

Term 2 Calculations:

C =  2 points  X  4 credit hours=  8 quality points
A =  4 points  X  3 credit hours=  12 quality points
D =  1 Point  X  3 credit hours=  3 quality points
B =  3 points  X  3 credit hours=  9 quality points

Add the number of quality points for Term 2:
8+12+3+9 = 32 quality points

Add the number of credit hours for Term 2:
4+3+3+3 = 13 credit hours

Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours:
32/13 = 2.461 GPA

Cumulative GPA Example:

Add the total quality points for all terms:
40 (Term 1) + 32 (Term 2) = 72 quality points

Add the credit hours for all terms:
13 (Term 1) + 13 (Term 2) = 26

Divide the total quality points for all terms by the total credit hours for all terms:
72/23 = 2.769 GPA