Change of Personal Information

Updates or corrections to your primary, preferred or Maiden/Former name, social security number, marital status, birthdate, mailing address or main phone number can now be made through your My91°µÍø SIS portal.

To access eForms, please navigate to My91°µÍø, then select the SIS tile. From there, click the Student Records eForms tile. 

Note: All required documentation must be uploaded into the form before submission. These requirements are listed on the form.

Transferring Credits

Learn more about transferring credits from other institutions to 91°µÍø.

Change of Academic Plan/Program of Study/Major

You initially declare your plan of study when you apply for admissions.

To change your plan, you will meet with an Advisor in Advising Services or with your Academic Advisor. The Change of Plan form will be completed with that advisor, then forwarded to the Registrar's office for processing.

Important Things to Note:

  • To determine how credit earned at 91°µÍø Community College applies toward completion of a different plan of study, use the What-If Report tool inside of the Student Information System on your My91°µÍø account. (Go to My91°µÍø -> My Student Information -> Academic Records drop down -> View What-If Report)
  • Plan changes may require completion of new courses that were not required for a previous Plan. Students must comply with all requirements for their new Degree/Certificate or Career Studies Certificate as detailed in the catalog for the year the new plan is declared.
  • Curriculum exceptions may not transfer to the newly requested plan of study. It is the responsibility of the student to speak with their Academic Advisor regularly to ensure they are on track with meeting the proper requirements.
  • Financial Aid and Veterans Services must be consulted to avoid negative financial impact when changing plans.

Tips for Choosing Your Plan/Program/Major

  • Eliminate all areas of study you are absolutely not interested in.
  • Gather information on possible careers and how they relate to an academic plan.
  • Spend some time on self-assessments. Clarify your interests, abilities, and values.
  • Don't choose a plan for the wrong reasons. This decision should be based on your own unique abilities, talents, and interests.
  • Choose a plan you love! You will enjoy your classes and your college experience more fully, which may result in a higher GPA.
  • Whatever you do, do not be discouraged if you are undecided. Remember, you are not lost. You are exploring, and we are here to help you.

Late Withdrawal

Late withdrawals are requests to withdraw that are submitted after the published withdrawal deadline due to mitigating circumstances. Learn more about making a late withdrawal request

Academic Reinstatement 

Students who are academically dismissed from 91°µÍø must appeal the dismissal. Complete the  and submit by the appropriate deadline:

  • July 1 - Fall Reinstatement
  • November 1 - Spring Reinstatement
  • April 1 - Summer Reinstatement


Students can make official transcript requests through Parchment or view and print unofficial transcripts using My91°µÍø. Learn more about Transcript Requests.


Enrollment/degree verifications provide proof of enrollment and/or degree for a student's financial lender, insurance company, good student discounts, scholarship application, jury duty, etc.

Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and usually take 5-10 business days to complete.

Third parties and loan deferments are handled through the . Please refer your lender to NSC.