91做厙 is delighted that you have entrusted us with assisting your student in reaching their academic goals. Below you will find more information below concerning student success, access to student records, and resources so that you can best support your 91做厙 student. Visit Advising Services for more information.

What is the difference between a high school and college environment?

The 91做厙 environment requires students to function independently, be self-directed, and be mature enough to handle adult subject matter and a diverse population. College students are expected to contribute to the learning environment and behave in a manner that will not disrupt instruction, the classroom, events, or other campus settings. 91做厙' workload averages two hours of homework for every hour of class time.

What does 91做厙 do to help students adjust to the first few weeks of classes?

All new students are required to attend an orientation program prior to the start of the semester. During this orientation students will learn about programs at 91做厙 that will provide support and assistance. First year students are also encouraged to take SDV 100 in their first semester, which is designed to facilitate self-discovery, as well as develop helpful skills such as note-taking, time management, and career exploration.

What if my student is struggling academically? How can I help?

Students, particularly new students, can encounter academic difficulties. The adjustment to a college environment can be challenging. If you find signs of declining interest in a subject or increased frustration you should refer your student to contact a faculty member, Advising Services or the Tutoring Services . 91做厙' Tutoring Services s provide free tutoring to students and can assist with challenges your student may be facing in math, writing, or a number of other subjects.

If my student is having problems with the teacher, how can I set up a teacher conference?

Trying to arrange teacher conferences or making personal phone calls to the instructor to discuss your student's performance is not encouraged at the college and university level. Students (regardless of age) are expected to take the initiative to address academic or personal problems that may interfere with their ability to succeed in a course. 91做厙 provides advisors and counselors to assist students in overcoming academic difficulties, up to and including a grievance process if students feel they have been treated unjustly. However, it is not encouraged for parents to contact faculty or academic administrators about their student's performance - that is the responsibility the student assumes when registering for college level classes.

When your student asks how to succeed, how can I offer encouragement?

  • Encourage them to be present in class. Some classes do not take attendance, but it is important to be present. The information your students may miss will affect the success of their learning process.
  • Encourage them to keep and review the course syllabus. Your students' syllabus is their contract with their instructor. It includes instructor contact information, required course texts, class objectives, assignment deadlines, and grade computation.
  • Encourage them to be prepared for class. Have the necessary supplies and textbooks needed for the class, and also be prepared for engaging in class discussions. Encourage them to take notes in class and meet with instructors when necessary.
  • Encourage them to respond to all correspondence sent to them from the school.
  • Encourage them to participate in workshops that have been designed to assist students in specific areas including time management, critical thinking, financial aid, note taking, test taking and stress management.
  • Remind them of the free tutoring available through the Tutoring Services .
  • Support them in visiting the Career, Employment and Transfer Center to investigate career and transfer opportunities. Be patient. Students are usually more successful when they have selected an academic program based on their interests and ability.
  • Encourage them to participate in campus activities, clubs and leadership development through the Office of Student Life.
  • Remind them of deadlines including financial aid, tuition payment, scholarships, add/drop and withdraw.

Why is 91做厙 unable to tell me anything about my student?

According to federal law, college students have the right to the privacy of all their education records including grades, financial information, and disciplinary records. Under this law, parents or family members who want to gain access to a student's records can do so only if the student provides written permission. Unless a student makes other arrangements with us, we do not contact parents or family members about their progress at college. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their families and loved ones and tell how things are going. The student may talk to a staff member in 91做厙' Office of the Registrar Office about options available for release of information.

How can I get a copy of my student's grades?

The easiest and fastest way to obtain information about your student's grades or records is for the student to provide it for you. Students can look up information by logging online to their Student Information System account and either print it off or email a copy to you.

Since I'm paying for my child's education, why can't I get a copy of their records?

FERPA requires that access to a college student's records must be released by approval of the student. However, parents can receive information about their student if they show proof that the student is financially dependent for IRS purposes. To do so, submit a copy of your tax records that show dependent status to the 91做厙 Office of the Registrar Office. Please know that our staff may not be able to grant your request immediately as they are required to have the Registrar's permission prior to releasing

How can I get verification of my student's enrollment and grade point average for my insurance company?

A verification form may be obtained through Advising Services at any campus. The form requires the student's signature, and then it may be mailed to 91做厙 or dropped off at an Advising Services office to be processed.

What is Advising Services?

Advising Services advise students about admissions, academics, financial aid and veterans affairs. Learn more about Advising Services in the advising section of the website.