If you have concerns about a person or situation, you are strongly encouraged to share the information. Students, faculty, staff or community members may make a report, even if you think it may be nothing.  The information you provide, no matter how trivial it may seem, may be critical to understanding a broader range of problematic or threatening behavior.

In the event of an emergency, please contact 91°µÍø Police at 804-523-5911 or 5911.

How Do I Make A Report?

Students, faculty, staff or community members may report behaviors of concern by submitting the This form may be used to report concerning or threatening behavior, general conduct concerns, and academic honesty concerns. Upon receipt, the Office of Student Support Services will review the information and contact the appropriate persons. We will follow up with you to assure you that we have received the report. However, in an effort to protect student privacy, we are unable to disclose details of how the situation was handled.

How Do I Know When A Behavior May Be Of Concern?

Here are a few examples of when to make a report:

  • Noticeable change in appearance and hygiene
  • Signs of mental/emotional distress (i.e. anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc.)
  • Abrupt decline in academic performance or attendance
  • Suspected alcohol or drug abuse
  • Verbal or written threats to harm self or others
  • Engagement in Self-injurious or high-risk behaviors
  • Loss of contact with reality (i.e. seeing/hearing/feeling things not apparent to others)
  • History of aggressive behaviors or violence
  • Knowledge of or communication about (verbal or written) life stressors or unstable family dynamic (i.e. financial hardship, death, divorce / break up, domestic abuse.)

When in doubt, it!

What Happens Next?

  • The student(s) of concern will be contacted by the Office of Student Support Services.
  • The Behavioral Intervention Team will assess the situation to determine if there's a threat or concern and will make the appropriate recommendations to ensure the health, wellness and safety of the student / 91°µÍø community.
  • The student of concern will receive resources, referrals, and/or the appropriate disciplinary actions (if appropriate).
  • Reporting party will be notified that the situation has been resolved.

Who is the Behavioral Intervention Team?

The Behavioral Intervention Team is a multidisciplinary group of administrators, faculty, and staff that are responsible for evaluating and responding to reports regarding students whose behaviors may pose a threat to the safety of the campus community. The team's primary concern is promoting a safe learning environment by assisting individuals in addressing behavioral and/or personal challenges. The team will provide a systematic response to campus situations involving individuals exhibiting signs of serious emotional distress and/or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors.  In addition, the Team endeavors to provide professional development activities that will assist members of the college community with strategies for responding to distressed and distressing students in the campus setting.