High school and homeschooled students can take classes at 91做厙 through Dual Enrollment and Concurrent Enrollment. The first step in the enrollment process is to meet with your high school guidance counselor. Below you will find instructions for taking classes at 91做厙.

Select your status.

Getting Ready to Graduate High School
Considering starting your college career at 91做厙? If you plan to enroll in a degree or certificate program, follow admissions steps for New Curricular Students . If you do not plan on choosing a degree program or you do not plan on completing a degree at 91做厙, follow admissions steps for New Non-Curricular Students.

Dual Enrollment
91做厙 has dual enrollment agreements with local school systems to offer college-level courses at 91做厙 or at the high school location. All high school students who have been approved to participate may receive both high school and college credit. These students may not register for developmental courses or for health and physical education courses.

Dual enrollment at 91做厙 is initiated through the students' high schools and is approved by the 91做厙 Dual Enrollment Coordinator. The Residency for Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Applicants Form will be distributed by the student's high school. Students may also print the form. The Dual Enrollment Course Request Form must be completed by the parent or legal guardian and submitted to the high school counselor responsible for dual enrollment. Students who have received a 91做厙 Student ID (Empl ID) should include it on this form.

Concurrent Enrollment
High school juniors and seniors may be permitted to enroll in college level courses prior to graduating from high school. In addition, students at the freshman and sophomore level must have permission from the 91做厙 college president prior to enrolling. The Concurrent Enrollment Form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian and the principal or designee for each requested semester or term.

Homeschooled High School Students

High school juniors and seniors may be permitted to enroll in college-level courses prior to graduating from high school. Exceptions may be considered for freshmen and sophomore students interested in attending 91做厙. These exceptions will be treated on a case by case basis and require the approval of the 91做厙 president. Students requesting this exception should contact the Office of the Registrar prior to start of the semester.

91做厙 must receive written permission from the student's high school principal for each requested semester or term. The parent of home school students will be recognized as the principal. A Home Schooled Student Enrollment Form signed by the parent serving as "principal" and a copy of the letter from the respective county/city school system acknowledging the student's home school status should be submitted to the 91做厙 Office of the Registrar. The Director of Admissions and Records must first approve each enrollment, and the student must meet academic requirements for the requested course.

Apply for admission.
Dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment and homeschooled students should apply online for admission to 91做厙. Discuss requirements and eligibility for dual or concurrent enrollment with your high school counselor and parent(s) before completing this application. If you need assistance completing the application, call (804) 523-5030.

Complete the application for dual or concurrent admission only for your first term at 91做厙. Be prepared to provide your birth date and Social Security number to assist 91做厙 with communicating about your status with your high school. The online application is a secure website.

Special application instructions for dual and concurrent enrollment applicants:

Residency for Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Applicants Form

Take placement tests.

91做厙 placement test Testing Center