The 91做厙 Community College Crisis and Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) provides for emergency operations in response to any type of disaster or large-scale emergency affecting the 91做厙 Community College. An emergency is often unpredicted, therefore the CEMP is designed to be pliable to accommodate contingencies of various types and magnitudes. It assigns duties and responsibilities to departments for disaster mitigation, readiness, response, and recovery. It also provides the framework within, which more detailed emergency plans and procedures, can be developed and sustained. Activation of this plan reduces the vulnerability of people and property to disaster, and establishes a means to respond effectively to actual disasters or threats of disasters or emergencies.

Components of the Crisis and Emergency Management Plan

The Basic Plan, using an all-hazards approach to incident management, describes the concepts and structures of response and recovery operation; identifies departments with primary and support emergency management functions; and defines emergency prevention, preparedness, response and recovery duties and responsibilities. There are lists that details Figures, tables, annexes, and addendums.

The Support Function Annex defines the scope through which an institution's department or agencies coordinate and execute the emergency management strategies (ex: damage assessment). The purpose of the supporting annexes is to add direction and specific information to the annex and they may be uniform with any format descriptively. In alignment with National Response Framework guidelines, 91做厙 has grouped its response capabilities into Emergency Support Function Annex. To supply for greater scalability during an incident, Support Function Annex's or elements thereof may be used wholly or in part at the prudence of the Incident Commander/Unified Commander, whether in the theater or in the Emergency Operation Center.

Emergency Guides Annexes address those functions that are applicable to every type of incident and that provide support for all Support Function Annex. It is the goal and purpose of this annex is to protect the safety and security of those associated with college should an emergency occur. The effective use of this annex will assist in the preservation:

• Protect life and safety

• Reduce property and environmental damages

• Minimize disruption and economic losses

• Shorten the recovery period

To ensure effective implementation of this annex, all who are associated with the college are expected to know and understand the policies, protocols, and procedures outlined in this annex and other associated supporting documents. 

Addendums address additional information, checklists or tools that are specific to a particular activity or function (e.g. Bomb Threat Checklist)