This dashboard intends to display progress toward the completion of the 91做厙 2022 Pathways to Prosperity strategic plan. By clicking on each theme below, goals and objectives will be displayed with a horizontal progress bar under each numbered objective.

The dashboard will be updated annually, each summer, to reflect one of five stages of completion: 1) 0% (not started/changed), 2) 25% (progress underway, needs attention), 3) 50% (progress underway on target), 4) 75% (progress underway, nearly complete), 5) 100% (objective completed). To collapse the list of goals and objectives, click again on the theme wording. If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please contact the Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness at (804) 523-5130.

Goal 1A - Build partnerships with regional school systems that increase the college and career readiness of high school students with expanded dual enrollment offerings, career coaching, and improved curricular alignment through collaboration between K-12 and college faculty.

1. Increase the number of high school students completing an associate degree concurrently with a high school diploma from 34 to 200 graduates.


2. Provide program pathways for students enrolled in career/technical and college transfer dual enrollment courses in regional school systems.


3. Increase the number of high school career coaches from eight to 21 serving all high schools in Hanover, Henrico, Goochland, and Powhatan counties and the City of Richmond.


4. Collaborate with regional school system leadership to improve the math, reading, and writing readiness of high school graduates.


Goal 1B - Develop and deliver innovative programs that provide a pathway to career enhancement or successful transfer to a four-year institution.

1. Explore the development of a "Pathway to the Baccalaureate" program, providing support to students as they transition from high school to 91做厙, throughout 91做厙, and to Virginia Commonwealth University or another four-year college or university.


2. Expand relationships with four-year colleges and universities to facilitate transfer of 91做厙 students.


Goal 1C - Adopt a deliberate approach to advising that helps students navigate entry to college, maintain momentum, and successfully complete a program of study.

1. Increase the number of well-matched applicants who make a secure connection with the college by applying to 91做厙 - "connection".


2. Increase the number of students who make a successful transition to college - "entry."


3. Increase the number of continuing students who maintain momentum in their academic studies - "progress".


4. Increase the number of completing students who make a successful transition to/at work or successful transition to a four-year college or professional school - "completion".


Goal 1D - Create comprehensive strategies to help targeted populations enroll, persist, and earn a degree or credential.

1. Expand advising services to address the needs of underprepared students.


2. Provide support for veterans through out-of-class programming and wrap-around services that will ensure successful entry and completion.


3. Expand the college's vision for distance learning by identifying additional courses or programs that would transition effectively to online delivery, supporting the fully online student with increased levels of technical and academic support, increasing the number of online courses that receive quality review, and strategically marketing the college's distance learning offerings.


4. Provide focused services to meet the unique needs of adult learners, including life and career planning, credit for prior learning, student support systems, and strategic partnerships.


5. Actively recruit and support underserved students in obtaining a credential.


Goal 1E - Implement strategies to enable students to graduate with minimal debt.

1. Increase merit-based scholarships awarded by 25% to $700,000 annually.


2. Institute a debt-free degree program for targeted populations to incentivize completion.


3. Further reduce textbook costs and increase the usage of open educational resources (OER) annually.


Goal 2A - Strengthen comprehensive academic and student support services to accommodate the complex balance of work, life, and school experienced by community college students.

1. Align academic and student support services to ensure proactive, highly effective interventions that increase retention and graduation rates.


2. Increase the implementation of supplemental instruction in high-impact courses.


3. Implement comprehensive career services to include job placement.


4. Increase effectiveness of the early alert program by expanding resources and streamlining advising policies.


5. Orient new program-placed students to registration, services, programs, and technology.


6. Require early enrollment into student development (SDV) and related courses.


Goal 2B - Expand opportunities that engage students with faculty, staff, and each other, promote global awareness, and foster a lifelong connection to 91做厙.

1. Support the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to promote excellence in instruction, support faculty development, and provide curriculum pathways for professional growth.


2. Explore the integration of global studies into the curriculum to promote global awareness.


3. Continue an Honors Program that fosters the sustained intellectual growth and personal development of students.


4. Increase opportunities for alumni to become engaged with the college and its students.


5. Expand and enhance study abroad opportunities for students.


Goal 2C -Create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive college community that cultivates a sense of belonging

1. Ensure college policies and practices related to administration, academics, students, and faculty and staff promote equality and inclusion.


2. Continue to improve the college's learning environment for the purpose of fostering civility and providing excellent customer service.


3. Continue to implement training, education, and communications to ensure emergency preparedness and a safe environment.


4. Maintain a visually pleasing campus grounds and exterior campus appearance.


5. Identify facilities improvements that will support the college's strategic vision and programmatic needs.


Goal 2D - Hire and invest in a dynamic, diverse faculty and staff to create a vibrant and sustainable organization

1. Develop and execute effective strategies to recruit and select qualified faculty and staff to better reflect the demographic diversity of the student body.


2. Invest in the professional and personal growth of the full-time and part-time faculty and staff.


3. Provide faculty and staff access to and training for current and emerging technologies necessary for effective teaching, learning, and administrative support and achieving and demonstrating appropriate technology competence.


Goal 3A - Increase the number of degrees, certificates, and credentials, with an emphasis in STEM-H, awarded by the college to address shortages in the regional workforce.

1. Develop career ladder programs that provide students with opportunities to move directly into higher-level programs.


2. Triple the number of degrees, certificates, and career studies certificates awarded.


3. Increase the fall-to-fall retention rates of program-placed students by 30%.


Goal 3B - Identify and respond to workforce needs with industry-centric, agile academic programs and non-credit training.

1. Align current and develop new academic programs to meet the short-term and long-term employment needs of business and industry in the Greater Richmond region.


2. Develop pathways between non-credit courses, credentials, and apprenticeships and credit programs.


3. Demonstrate that program graduates have attained program-specific student learning outcomes and disseminate that information to relevant stakeholders.


4. Demonstrate that program graduates have the general education and employability skills needed for success in the workplace.


Goal 3C - Develop business partnerships that connect student success with employer success through internships, apprenticeships, placements, and credential and skill alignment.

1. Increase to at least 80% the number of currently employed industry representatives on advisory committees.


2. Expand experiential learning and/or career exploration opportunities with business, industry, and government entities.


Goal 4A - Promote active citizenship through volunteerism, outreach, and service learning.

1. Create a civic engagement task force to complement academic programs and enhance career preparation.


2. Strengthen volunteerism through the activities of the faculty, staff, and student constituency groups.


Goal 4B - Expand initiatives that help shape understanding of 91做厙' mission, programs, and community impact.

1. Continue to serve as a key leader in the region's community betterment and economic development initiatives.


2. Increase familiarity with and positive perceptions of the college's programs and community impact through communications, public relations, and marketing.


Goal 4C - Provide opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to leverage intellectual and social capital that contribute to a thriving community.

1. Develop and maintain a campus environment that promotes sustainability.


2. Provide incentives and a reporting structure for community engagement opportunities.
