EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/05/2009
REVISED DATE: 09/28/2023

  1. Purpose:

    To provide the college guidance on the criteria and process for awarding degrees and certificates to students who pass away during their enrollment.

  2. Definitions:

    Certificate: certificate programs or career studies certificates sanctioned by the college and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS).

    Degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Science degrees sanctioned by the college and the VCCS.

  3. Policy:

    In an effort to recognize the work of students who pass away during the year in which they were enrolled at the college, the institution shall award degrees and certificates to students posthumously. Students who have at least a 2.0 grade point average, who are at least within 85% of completing their program, and who are in their last semester of enrollment within their program, shall be considered for this award. Students who are involved in unlawful activity at the time of death shall not be considered for this award. The college shall determine the appropriate manner to present the diploma. However, no family member shall be allowed to participate in commencement as a proxy. Diplomas shall bear the notation "awarded posthumously." Cases that do not meet the above specified criteria may be considered when extraordinary circumstances prevail and must be approved by the president.

  4. Procedures:

    Procedure for Award of Degrees Posthumously, 1-13

  5. Other Information:
