EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/16/1990
REVISED DATE: 05/30/2017
  1. Purpose:

    To describe those provisions under which a student may be assessed for readiness of college-level courses.

  2. Definitions:

    Transient student: a student who enrolls at the college with the intent of completing a program at his/her home institution.

  3. Policy:

    In an effort to maximize student success in college-level courses, the following provisions outline parameters for placement in courses requiring college-level reading, writing, and arithmetic.

    1. All degree-seeking students must be assessed for readiness in reading, writing, and arithmetic prior to registering for any course at the college.

    2. Noncurricular students and students in career studies certificates must be assessed for readiness in the area(s) required by courses prior to enrollment in the course(s). Examples of courses that require assessment include courses in English, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc.

    3. In instances where a student is not performing to standards (which might include a low grade point average or poor performance in a particular class), college faculty or advising staff may request an additional assessment of a student’s readiness for a particular course. In instances where a placement test is required, the faculty or staff member must make this request to the dean of students or the vice president of student affairs.

    4. Students whose native language is not English must be assessed by staff members in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program before registering for any courses at the college. Assessment with the ESL program may require a placement test administered by the program. If ESL courses are required for non-native speakers of English, these students may be required to take additional placement tests upon completion of those courses.

    5. Students with a disability who are in need of an accommodation for (or adjustment in) testing shall be provided an accommodation upon determination of eligibility. Students should be referred to the Office of Student Accommodations and 91做厙 Policy No. 1-15, Eligibility of Students with Disabilities to Receive Accommodations.

    6. Online students, or students who are enrolled at the college from a distance, may be assessed from a distance. In the event that a student from a distance is required to take the placement exam, the student may take the exam at another Virginia Community College, or an approved proctored site. The student should contact the college’s testing center for instruction on how to test from a distance.

    7. The college shall employ the use of multiple measures to assess the readiness of students for college-level courses. (See Exemption Criteria for Waiver of Placement Exam). This assessment shall be done prior to the recommendation of a placement exam. Official documentation is required for the assessment of the various measures for placement.

    8. In using multiple measures, the college may use the best scores of any measure, or a combination of measures (including results on the placement exam) to determine the highest placement recommendation for a student.

    9. In the event that a student has taken a placement test, and has received a developmental recommendation in a subject area, but has not enrolled in the recommended developmental course, the student may retake the placement test within a one (1) year period, but no sooner than four (4) months from the date of the original placement test. Exceptions to this rule are permitted; however, the student must request a retest at any campus Testing Center. ESL students must consult with the ESL Office prior to any retest.

    10. Once a student enrolls in a developmental course (ESL or otherwise), no retests shall be allowed. Further, students must successfully complete the required developmental course (and any other required sequential developmental courses).

    11. ESL students who separate from the college for more than one (1) year may be required to retake the ESL placement test.

    12. Placement scores and data used for assessment are valid for five (5) years (from the date of the score or test). High school transcripts are valid for five (5) years from the date of graduation. Students who have scores or data that are older than five (5) years shall be required to take the placement exam.

    13. A student who changes a curriculum or who later chooses to take classes for which placement testing is required shall be re-evaluated for placement purposes.

    14. Faculty in disciplines with developmental-level courses (such as English and mathematics) shall be responsible for designing, within the structure provided by the VCCS Curriculum Guide, the developmental courses and sequences of college-level courses in their respective disciplines. They shall also be responsible for establishing the criteria by which students shall be placed in college-level courses in their respective disciplines.

    15. Faculty in disciplines without developmental-level courses shall determine whether a placement test in reading, writing, or mathematics is required for their college-level courses and, if appropriate, establish developmental course prerequisites in these courses.

    16. The vice president of academic affairs shall be responsible to the executive vice president for periodic assessment and evaluation of the placement-assessment program.

    17. The vice president of student affairs shall be administratively responsible for administering placement testing and the day-to-day operations of the Testing Center where placement testing shall be administered.

    18. The college shall take appropriate measures to ensure that students meet all developmental prerequisites for college-level courses.

  4. Procedures:

      1. Placement testing requirements

        1. Placement testing for degree-seeking students

          1. Students identified as degree-seeking will submit high school or other data to Enrollment Services or Admissions & Records for assessment of readiness for college-level courses.

          2. Students who do not meet placement guidelines after the review of multiple measures will be referred to take the placement test.

          3. Students may take one (1) section or all sections of the placement tests at the same time.

          4. At advising appointments, students and counselors or student services specialists will discuss the student’s placement scores, required courses and, if appropriate, additional courses.

        2. Placement testing for non-curricular and career studies certificate students

          1. Students identified as non-curricular or being enrolled in a career studies certificate will be referred to Enrollment Services when these students attempt to enroll in courses requiring placement tests.

          2. In the event that the student will need placement, the student may submit high school or other data to Enrollment Services or Admissions & Records for assessment of readiness for college-level courses.

          3. Students who do not meet placement guidelines after the review of multiple measures will be referred to take the placement test. These students may take one (1) section or all sections of the placement tests at the same time as needed.

          4. Non-curricular and career studies students will be allowed to register in college-level courses after they have successfully completed the placement test and/or developmental courses.

        3. Placement testing for students whose first language is not English

          1. Students who identify themselves as non-native speakers of English on the application form or JSRCC Form No.11-0000, Application for Admission, will be referred to the ESL Office for assessment.

          2. Students who do not meet the exemption criteria will be required to take the ESL placement test, which consists of a standardized test, an oral interview, and a writing sample.

          3. Immediately after taking the ESL test, students must make an appointment with an ESL advisor to discuss the student’s placement scores, required ESL courses, and, if appropriate, additional courses. Advising appointments normally take place within three (3) days of the test.

        4. Placement testing for students with disabilities

          1. Students will go to Enrollment Services for assessment of readiness for college-level courses.

          2. If the student qualifies for placement based on high school or other data, the staff member will place the student in the appropriate course(s) based on the student’s data.

          3. If the student is required or chooses to take the placement test and identifies as a student with a disability, he/she will be referred to the Office of Student Accommodations.

          4. The Office of Student Accommodations staff will follow the procedures identified in 91做厙 Policy No. 1-15, Eligibility of Students with Disabilities to Receive Accommodations, to determine eligibility and a reasonable accommodation for placement testing.

    All assessment results will be placed in the Student Information System upon review by college staff.

  5. Other Information:

    Addendum, Exemption Criteria for Waiver of Placement Exam

    91做厙 Policy No. 1-15, Eligibility of Students with Disabilities to Receive Accommodations

    JSRCC Form No.11-0000, Application for Admission

    JSRCC Form No. 11-0006, Transient Student Approval