REVISED DATE: 09/06/2024
  1. Purpose:

    To provide guidance on appropriate access to campus buildings, offices, classrooms, laboratories, and other secured areas of the college as well as provide a process by which eligible full-time and part-time faculty and staff may request permission to use the gymnasium facilities. The procedures for implementation of this policy are provided below.

  2. Procedure and/or Process Definitions:

    Assumption of Risk: document signed by employee agreeing to the terms and conditions for using the college gym.

    Building Business Hours: Building business hours are evaluated on a semester basis and subject to modification based on course schedules and on-campus activities. 

    Essential personnel: those employees required to work during an authorized closing or college emergency because their positions have been designated by the college as necessary or essential to college operations, and who may be required to work during days or times they are not regularly scheduled to work. An employee's status as essential or non-essential may change as college executive officers determine the necessity.

    Key: refers to any access device, including encoded electronic access cards (proximity cards).

    Regularly scheduled workday: weekly scheduled work time.

    Secured area: any building, interior area, room, laboratory, or mechanical equipment/building support space in a locked or secure status (security alarm activated).


  3. Procedures:

      1. Key control

        1. Control authority

          The Department of Police supervisor will be the control authority for the issuance of keys and for purchasing blank keys, key cards, cylinders, padlocks, or any other control mechanism for the college's locking system.

        2. Issuance of keys

          All key requests will be submitted online through , Access Request Form. The appropriate department manager will determine the employees under their supervision who will be issued a key. Keys will be issued one week from receipt of the online form. Adjunct faculty must turn in keys at the end of the semester to their dean or program head for redistribution. The dean or program head will complete , Access Request Form. Upon redistribution of that key to another adjunct faculty member, the program head or dean shall complete a , Access Request Form, indicating that the new adjunct faculty has received the key.

        3. Key security

          1. Persons who have been issued keys must keep them in their possession.

          2. Keys must not be left unattended or in a non-secure environment.

          3. Issued keys will not be loaned to any other person without authority from the department head.

          4. Keys are the sole property of the college and can be confiscated at any time.

          5. It is the responsibility of the person issued a key to pay for the replacement of misplaced or lost keys and for any costs associated with the replacement of the lock core. Lost keys should be reported immediately to the Department of Police.

        4. Access control under normal conditions and during normal business hours

          1. Persons who have been issued keys to a respective area will be responsible for the security of that area.

          2. For safety purposes, some instructional rooms remain secured. Instructors or staff requiring access to those rooms should fill out the online access request in the beginning of each semester. If a special request needs to be made to unlock a secured room, the Department of Police can be contacted at 523-5219. Delays may occur due to multiple simultaneous requests or if there is an emergency.

          3. To access a computer classroom, a faculty/staff member must first contact the manager of academic computing or the instructional support technologist for the specific campus to reserve a computer classroom. Once this reservation is made, it will be entered on the room calendar and notification will be sent to the Department of Police. If the room has a swipe card, access will be added to the faculty member's card.

        5. Access control under emergency or inclement weather conditions

          If the college has been closed by the president, designee(s), or other civil authority for inclement weather or other emergency conditions, including but not limited to fire, bomb threat, threat of terrorism, and/or any civil disturbance, only employees designated as “essential employees” will be allowed on campus or in campus buildings.

        6. Access after building business hours

          College buildings are equipped with an alarm system. The buildings will not be accessed during non-business hours unless an individual has been assigned a key and access code for the alarm system.

          Access for special events are to be submitted to the Department of Police at least one week prior to the event for staffing purposes.

          Access to college buildings after business hours is discouraged except for legitimate business reasons.

      2. Procedures for employee use of 91做厙 gymnasium on Parham Road Campus

        The college allows all full-time and part-time faculty and staff to utilize the Parham Road Campus Georgiadis Hall gymnasium facilities. All courses and college activities or events scheduled for the gymnasium take priority over personal use of the facility.

        All full-time and part-time faculty and staff are eligible to use the gymnasium during hours when the college is open to the public. Access is not available during college holidays, college closings, or when the college is closed for services. Faculty and staff can use the gymnasium outside of their regularly scheduled work time only. The gym is not open to the public or non-employees. Access to the gym will be made available after the Assumption of Risk form is submitted to the Human Resources department. Access to the gymnasium will be provided through the employee's 91做厙 ID.


        All current full-time and part-time (wage and adjunct) employees are eligible to use the gymnasium.

        Gymnasium Hours

        Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.
        Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

        All faculty and staff who use the gym are expected to:

          • Complete an form
          • Only use the gymnasium outside of their regularly scheduled work day or during their designated lunch break.
          • Be considerate of fellow employees and students, and conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner.
          • Limit the use of the equipment to allow others the opportunity to also use the equipment.
          • Use the gym equipment in the gym only and return all equipment to its proper place.
          • Clean all equipment after use. Cleaning products are available on site.
          • Wear clothing appropriate for the activity.
          • Report any accident to the Office of Human Resources at (804) 523-5249, after taking care of medical needs. In an emergency, please call (804) 523-5911 or 911.
  4. Other Information:

    , Access Request Form