EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/05/2006
REVISED DATE: 02/21/2017
  1. Purpose:

    To direct the creation, maintenance, issuance, usage, cancellation/disposal, loss, and return of college ID cards for students, faculty, staff, and other affiliated personnel.

  2. Definitions:

    Faculty: an individual under agreement to teach during the current college academic semester.

    Other affiliated personnel: any authorized individual other than a student, faculty, or staff member.

    Role: the designation of student, faculty, staff, or other special title, assigned to an ID cardholder.

    Staff: an individual currently employed by the college.

    Student an individual enrolled in the current college academic semester.

  3. Policy:

    The Department of Police shall administer an ID system in conjunction with and supported as necessary by the Department of Technology (DOT), Student Affairs, the Business Office, Human Resources, Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs, Parking Services, and the President’s Office for use by students, faculty, staff, and other affiliated personnel.

    The ID card and its database shall be regarded as official college property.

  4. Procedures:

    1. Purpose of ID cards

      1. The college-issued ID card identifies the holder as a member or representative of 91做厙 (91做厙).

      2. The college-issued ID card will regulate access to authorized areas.

      3. College ID cards are required to access the Downtown Campus (DTC) student parking deck, located at 820 North 8th Street, Richmond, VA; and the faculty and staff parking deck, located at 743 Navy Hill Drive, Richmond, VA.

      4. College ID cards are required to utilize college services such as the college shuttles and library services.

    2. Card design

      1. Card design work will be coordinated by the office of the vice president of finance and administration.

      2. Card design will feature a version number, issue semester/year and date printed, photograph, college logo, individual’s full name, and individual’s PeopleSoft identification number, also known as Empl ID, in text characters and in bar code format. It will also include the state seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

      3. The following text will be printed on the card to accommodate card loss:

        “A fee will be charged to replace this card if it is lost. If found, college ID cards should be returned to the: Department of Police, 91做厙, P.O. Box 85622, Richmond VA 23285-5622. For more information: 804-523-5219, ”

    3. Card design and card system maintenance

      1. The Department of Technology (DOT) is responsible for specification, installation, maintenance, and repair of all design and creation software, computers, and card printing equipment.

      2. Revisions to the layout or visible appearance and data elements will be approved by the Chief of Police, the Vice President of Finance and Administration, and the Associate Vice President of Human Resources.

      3. Changes and updates to and oversight of the database is under the authority of DOT. Any modifications deemed necessary to the card database will be reviewed and approved in advance by the Chief of Police.

    4. Card issuance requirements

      1. An individual must be currently enrolled as a student, a college faculty or staff member, or possess an approved affiliation as authorized by the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

      2. Students, faculty, and staff must have a current Empl ID.

      3. An individual must present a valid picture identification; i.e., driver’s license, Department of Motor Vehicle issued identification card, passport, etc.

    5. Card issuance

      1. The Department of Police will exercise full authority over issuance of official college ID cards.

      2. Cards may be printed only if the necessary data for the card pre-exists in the card creation system. Only the individuals responsible for the database management are allowed to directly enter new ID card information into the database.

      3. Faculty, staff, and other college affiliates who are also enrolled in classes will not be required to have a separate student ID card.

    6. Card life-cycle and status

      1. Staff ID cards are valid and active from the date of hire and deactivated and invalid upon termination of employment.

      2. Faculty ID cards are valid and active upon employment and deactivated and invalid upon termination of employment.

      3. Student ID cards are activated upon enrollment for the current semester and deactivated on the day after the last day of final exams for each semester.

      4. Students should maintain their ID cards if enrolling for additional semesters. Otherwise, students may be subjected to replacement costs.

      5. ID cards are subject to recall and re-issuance for design changes or for security purposes as determined by the Chief of Police or designee.

    7. ID display policy

      1. Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to display their IDs.

      2. Accepted methods for ID card display are lapel clip, lanyard, or belt clip.

      3. All college ID card holders (students, faculty, and staff) must show his or her ID card to ride college-owned shuttles.

    8. Special case ID issuance (college affiliates/visitors/auditors/duplicate IDs, etc.)

      1. Specialized card designs and usages may be subject to special limitations.

      2. Duplicate cards may be issued by permission from the Chief of Police or the Vice President of Finance and Administration.

    9. Lost/intentional damaging of ID cards

      1. A $15.00 fee for the replacement of lost, intentionally damaged ID cards will be enforced. Payment of the fee can be made at any campus Business Office. The receipt must be produced in order for a replacement ID card to be issued, which will be in accordance with the card issuance requirements in Section D. The replacement fee is subject to change at any time without notice.

    10. Malfunctioning cards

      1. In the case of a malfunctioning card, the cardholder should contact the Department of Police for assistance at 804-523-5129.

    11. Card abuse/fraud

      1. Alteration of card function or appearance is prohibited.

      2. Use of a fraudulent card to gain services not entitled to may constitute a criminal offense and/or disciplinary action.

    12. Card disposal

      1. Cards identified for disposal will be shredded.

      2. Faculty and staff members are required to surrender their ID card(s) upon termination of employment.

  5. Other Information:
