EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/15/2018
REVISED DATE: 01/27/2022
  1. Purpose:

    To provide guidance on information required to be disclosed by the college to the public.

  2. Definitions:


  3. Policy:

    1. Annual Notice

      Each year 91做厙 (91做厙) will provide notice to all prospective and enrolled students about the information found in section B of this policy. The college will provide this information to all students with the exact URL to the location of the information. Students who wish to have a paper copy may request this information. The distribution of this information will be in accordance with the following schedule:

      • September 30 for each fall term
      • January 30 for each spring semester
      • June 30 for each summer term.

      Individuals who have questions regarding this information may contact:

      Associate Vice President, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
      91做厙 Community College
      Parham Road Campus
      Email: ConsumerInfo@reynolds.edu

    2. The following information will be disclosed by the college. The office responsible for managing and disclosing the information is listed in bold type at the end of the item description, in parentheses.

      1. Financial aid programs – all information pertaining to the types of financial aid available, eligibility requirements, criteria for selection and criteria for award amounts, the rights and responsibilities of students receiving aid, satisfactory academic progress policy, method of disbursement and frequency, book voucher process and opt out provisions, terms and conditions of any loan received by students, terms and conditions of work-study employment, and exit counseling information. (Financial Aid Office)

      2. Academic programs – a listing of current programs and other training programs, instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to academic programs, institution’s faculty and other personnel, any plan to improve academic programs (if they exist), and descriptions of any written agreements. (Office of Academic Affairs)

      3. School costs – tuition and fees charged to full-time and part-time students, estimate of costs for necessary books and supplies, estimates of typical charges for room and board, estimates of transportation costs for students, and any added cost of a program a student is enrolled in (or interested in). (Financial Aid Office)

      4. Withdrawal procedures, refunds, return of funds – the requirements and procedures for withdrawal, refund policy and procedures, and a summary of the requirements for the return of student financial aid. (Financial Aid Office / Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      5. Accreditation and Licensure – the names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies that accredit, approve, or license the school and its programs. The procedures for the review of any of the documents describing accreditation, approval, or licensing. Contact information for filing complaints with accreditors, the state approval or licensing entity, and any other relevant state official that would appropriately handle a student’s complaint. (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      6. Disability – the services and facilities available to students with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities. (Office of Accommodations)

      7. FSA eligibility for study abroad – a statement that a student’s enrollment in a study abroad program that is approved for credit may be considered enrollment at the home institution and may be eligible for federal student aid. (Financial Aid Office)

      8. Transfer of credit – any criteria the school uses regarding the transfer of earned credit by 91做厙, and a list of the institutions with which 91做厙 has an articulation agreement. (Office of Academic Affairs)

      9. Penalties and institutional policy of copyright infringement – a statement that explicitly states that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing may subject students to civil and criminal liabilities; a summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyrights laws; a summary of the 91做厙 policy on copyright violations and violations while using 91做厙 information technology system. (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      10. Student activities – information about activities that are offered by 91做厙. (Office of Student Life)

      11. Student diversity – information about student body diversity, including the percentage of enrolled full-time students who are male, female, Federal Pell Grant recipients, and self-identified racial or ethnic groups. (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      12. Net price calculator – 91做厙 will provide a net price calculator that will provide prospective students and current students with information on estimated costs and average financial aid awards. (Financial Aid Office / Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      13. Financial aid shopping sheet – 91做厙 will provide individuals with a shopping sheet to assist in understanding the costs of education and the available aid to assist with those costs. (Financial Aid Office / Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      14. Retention, placement, post-graduate study – no later than July 1, 91做厙 will provide, information on the 12-month period that ended August 31 of the prior year:

        • retention rate reported to IPEDS;
        • placement of; and
        • placement of and types of employment obtained by graduates (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)
      15. Gainful employment – 91做厙 will provide the following information about each of its gainful employment programs: ;

        • classification of instruction (CIP) code;
        • the credential level;
        • normal time for completion;
        • current or projected costs, including the URL for other program cost information;
        • number of Title IV students who enrolled;
        • the median cumulative amount of debt for all Title IV students who completed the program;
        • the median earnings most recently provided by the US Department of Education for the program;
        • student warning language (for programs required to provide it);
        • job placement rate for program completers (where required);
        • whether the program meets licensure requirements; and
        • any other relevant information that provides context about the program

        Gainful employment will be provided in all promotional materials, on the homepage of the program’s website, and will have a link to the gainful employment page on any other web page providing general information about the program(s).

        All new students will receive information on gainful employment information prior to enrollment. (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness)

      16. Crime log – 91做厙 will provide access to a crime log that includes:

        • primary crimes (including criminal homicide – murder, non-negligent manslaughter, and negligent manslaughter), sex offenses (rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape), robbery; aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson;

        • arrests and referrals for disciplinary actions, including arrests for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession and persons not arrested for one of those offenses but who were referred for campus disciplinary action;

        • hate crimes (including the number of each type of primary crime listed above that is determined to be a hate crime and the number of the following that are determined to be hate crimes: larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property); and

        • dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

        Information regarding the collection and reporting of this data can be found in 91做厙 Policy No. 4-30, Campus Security and Crime Awareness. (91做厙 Police Department)

      17. Fire log – because 91做厙 does not provide housing or residence halls, this information is not required of the college.

      18. Career and Job Placement Services – Career Counselors at 91做厙 offer three types of career assessments to help potential and existing students decide a curriculum or a career to pursue. (Advising Services)

      19. Technology Support – the 91做厙 Tech Support page offers an array of supporting services to assist the 91做厙 student with knowledge to navigate commonly used software at the college. (Tech Center Help Desk)

      20. Veteran’s Resource Center – 91做厙 provides a dedicated staff to assist veterans, active duty service members, guardsmen, reservists, and dependents in making a successful transition into the 91做厙 Community. (Office of Student Affairs)

    3. Emergency response

      91做厙 Policy No. 4-34, Emergency Preparedness and Communication in a Crisis, contains information on an emergency response plan that will be used in response to a crisis on any of its campuses. Students will be informed of the plan and its procedures annually. (91做厙 Police Department / Office of Communications)

    4. Timely warnings and emergency notification

      91做厙 will maintain a plan for the timely notice to faculty, staff, and students of crimes and emergencies. This information may be found in 91做厙 Policy No. 4-30, Campus Security and Crime Awareness. (91做厙 Police Department / Office of Communications)

    5. Drug and alcohol abuse and prevention

      91做厙 will maintain a program and policy that educates and prohibits the illegal use, manufacture, and distribution of controlled substances. (Office of Student Affairs / Office of Human Resources)

    6. Athletics

      The college does not have athletics and thus does not need to provide this information.

    7. Textbook information

      91做厙 will maintain a list of courses using no / low cost text materials. (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning [CETL])

    8. Loan counseling

      The Office of Financial Aid will conduct an exit interview in accordance with Title IV regulations for all student loan borrowers. A copy of the procedures will be maintained in the Financial Aid Office Policy and Procedures manual. (Financial Aid Office)

  4. Procedures:


  5. Other Information:
