EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/06/1990
REVISED DATE: 05/05/2015
  1. Purpose:

    To describe the review process that 91做厙 (91做厙) will follow for purchases of computer hardware, software, and audiovisual and educational technology.

  2. Definitions:


  3. Policy:

    The chief technology officer and the managers of computing support shall have responsibility for reviewing and recommending computer hardware, software, and audiovisual and educational technology needs at 91做厙.

    To ensure that technology purchases satisfy the following criteria, the managers of computing support shall review requests and provide recommendations to users. Where appropriate, the Department of Technology (DOT) may refer some technology purchases to another unit within DOT for review in order to advance technology innovation and ensure effective support for successful implementation. Each request shall be evaluated to ensure that it meets the following criteria:

    • Computer equipment, software, and related technology fit into the overall master plan for technology at 91做厙.

    • Matters such as IT security, minimum system requirements, VCCS project management standards, technology support, and training are considered.

    • The best value is obtained.

    • Technology procurement guidelines, including VCCS benchmarks for shared procurement, are followed.

    • The location of the equipment is best for the college.

    • Requested technology is compatible with existing computer equipment, software, systems, or databases.

    In the event that a request for purchase does not conform to the established standards, the Department of Technology staff may recommend a suitable alternative that meets the standards or submit a recommendation to the chief technology officer regarding an exception. Further written justification as to why the alternative computer equipment, software, or technology is necessary may be required prior to recommendation to the chief technology officer.

  4. Procedures:

    Regardless of the funding source or purchasing method, requests for technology must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Technology prior to purchase. Requests are submitted using , Hardware/Software/Technology Review.

    An individual faculty or staff member who has been assigned a college-owned technology device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop computer, which has been configured by DOT to permit the installation of apps or software, is permitted to download or install legally licensed apps or software to their own assigned device without completing . Consulting with DOT is advised if there is a question of software compatibility with technology systems or other software. Computers in classrooms are not considered assigned devices.

  5. Other Information:

    , Hardware/Software/Technology Review