EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/16/2013
REVISED DATE: 12/18/2018
  1. Purpose:

    To establish procedures for the repair of vehicles owned by the college or Commonwealth of Virginia, or those loaned or donated by an authorized automobile manufacturer or other authorized provider, and to establish inventory control measures for vehicles accepted for repair and stored on 91做厙 (91做厙) property.

  2. Definitions:

    Automotive laboratory area: any 91做厙 service bay or parking area designated for vehicles awaiting repair.

  3. Policy:

    1. All automotive repair work performed under the auspices of the 91做厙 Automotive Technology program is to be performed for instructional purposes only. Any vehicle admitted to the 91做厙 automotive laboratory area is considered to be under repair. The college’s Automotive Technology program shall repair only vehicles owned by the college or the Commonwealth of Virginia or those loaned or donated to the college by an authorized automobile manufacturer or other authorized provider.

    2. No privately-owned vehicle (including personal vehicles of students, faculty, or other individuals in the community) shall be accepted for repair under any circumstance without the prior written approval of the dean of the School of Business. Such approval shall occur rarely.

    3. Any privately-owned vehicle located in 91做厙 automotive laboratory areas or stored for repair on 91做厙 grounds thirty (30) days after the end of a semester shall be considered abandoned and subject to removal at the owner’s expense.

  4. Procedures:

    1. The Automotive Technology program head must approve the repair of any vehicle owned by the college or by the Commonwealth of Virginia or loaned or donated to the college by an authorized automobile manufacturer or other authorized provider. No faculty or staff member other than the Automotive Technology program head may accept vehicles for instructional repair. The program head will ensure that the college Facilities Management and Planning Department, Commonwealth of Virginia agency, authorized automobile manufacturer, or other authorized provider completes and signs , Disclaimer, Release, & Indemnification Agreement and Request for Services, and , Work Authorization Form. The program head will also sign these forms. The program head will maintain the forms in his/her office and provide copies of the forms to appropriate instructors, the assistant dean of the School of Business, and the vice president of finance and administration.

    2. Under no circumstance will the program head or any other faculty or staff member of 91做厙 accept for repair any privately-owned vehicle—whether from a student, faculty member, staff member, or other member of the community—without the written consent of the dean of the School of Business. Such consent will occur rarely. Should the dean approve such a repair, the Automotive Technology program head will ensure that the individual providing the vehicle completes and signs and and provide copies of the forms to the appropriate instructors, assistant dean of the School of Business, and the vice president of finance and administration.

    3. No vehicle will be housed in the 91做厙 automotive laboratory for any purpose unless approved under these procedures.

    4. All vehicles housed in the 91做厙 automotive laboratory will display , Work Authorization Form, under the vehicle windshield.

    5. At any time during the semester but at least by the end of each semester, the program head will conduct an audit of all vehicles housed in the 91做厙 automotive laboratory and provide a copy of the audit to the assistant dean of the School of Business Campus. The program head will contact the owners of all vehicles in a timely manner regarding expected retrieval of automobiles housed in the automotive laboratory.

  5. Other Information:

    , Disclaimer, Release, & Indemnification Agreement and Request for Services

    , Work Authorization Form