EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/15/1989
REVISED DATE: 05/25/2023
  1. Purpose:

    To outline the principles by which the college's strategic planning, direction, mission, vision, and values statements are updated, reviewed and approved on a periodic basis.

  2. Definitions:

    Mission: a statement that describes the institution and its characteristics, addresses the components of the institution and its operations, and reflects the official posture and practice of the institution.

    Strategic Direction: a time-based plan to inform decisions at the institutional level for strategic priorities

    Values: statements that reflect the organization's culture and highly-held traits or qualities.

    Vision: a statement about what the institution aspires to be.

  3. Policy:

    A clearly defined and comprehensive mission guides the public’s perception of the college. It conveys a sense of Reynold’s uniqueness and identifies the qualities, characteristics, and purpose that define the college’s role, connection and distinctiveness within the region. Fundamental to the structure of the college’s effectiveness, the mission reflects a clear understanding of the college by its advisory college board, administration, faculty, students, staff, and all constituents.

    College leadership formally approves and periodically reviews the institution’s mission statement. Leaders, in their review, reaffirm the mission statement and whether changes are needed, thereby maintaining a cognizance of the previously agreed-upon scope of college activities and ensuring that college policies, procedures, and actions remain compatible with and included in the mission statement.

    91做厙 engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that focus on institutional quality and effectiveness, and the college incorporates a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission.

    The college demonstrates a commitment to the principles of continuous improvement, based on a systematic and documented process of assessing college performance with respect to its mission in all aspects. The college planning and effectiveness process involves all programs, services, and constituencies; is linked to the decision-making process at all levels; and provides a sound basis for budgetary decisions and resource allocations.

    91做厙 has a broad-based approach to institution-wide planning that supports its mission and serves as a framework for future direction. This is followed by evaluation activities that allow the college to discern whether it is making the progress it had anticipated in its planning efforts, and making corrections as needed.


  4. Procedures:


  5. Other Information:
