
Meet 91做厙 Culinary Arts Student Kristen Stokes

Meet 91做厙 Culinary Arts Student

Kristen Stokes

What motivated you to study culinary arts?
I would have to say passion is what honestly drove me to pursuing my studies. I was stuck in a 9 to 5 that was draining the life out of me. I've always had a love for cooking and decided that it was time to start my culinary journey.

Where are you in your culinary studies?
I'm currently in the second year of my program.

What are you working on now?
Currently I'm working on finishing this semester out strong. When I am able to get some free time I love to try different baking recipes.

What is your favorite task as a culinary student?
My favorite task would have to be learning new things and working with ingredients that I wouldn't normally cook with.

What is your favorite ingredient?
My favorite ingredient would have to be peppers and seafood. There are so many different peppers in the world. They range from sweet, mild, and spicy. They also add a lot of favor to dishes.

Do you have a "signature dish"?
I currently don't have a signature dish but hopefully one will come along with this journey.

What would you most like to do in culinary arts when you graduate?
After I graduate, I would love to be able to travel. It would be an honor to be able to work hands on with local chefs and ingredients to get a real understanding of each regional cuisine. After traveling I would like to find a restaurant to work in, while I save money in order to maybe one day open my own restaurant.

What is your favorite restaurant in Richmond?
I honestly haven't been able to frequent many restaurants. I did get a chance to stop by Croaker Spot and it sure was a treat!

What would you tell other potential students interested in studying culinary arts at 91做厙?
I would tell other potential students that are interested in culinary to follow their dreams! Also, remember that hard work pays off.