
Meet Maria Pointdexter Coordinator, College-Wide Professional Development 91做厙 Human Resources

Where did you grow up and what was it like?


I grew up in the East Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia, PA. The neighborhood was and remains one of the most amazing neighborhoods I've ever experienced. As children, my brother, sister and I played outside with the neighborhood kids and a 'mom' was always watching. We lived about 1.5 blocks away from Carpenter's woods. In the summer we would collect salamanders in the creek and in the winter we would sled through the trees on treacherous hills. It is amazing no one ever broke anything. Lots of fun and fond memories.



How long have you worked for 91做厙, where did you work before you came here?


I started working at 91做厙 in February of 2006. Prior to 91做厙 I worked as an elementary school administrator in Washington, DC helping faculty integrate technology into their lessons.


What is your typical day like in Human Resources?


Extremely busy. The Office of Human Resources at 91做厙 is proud to offer the best customer service possible, which means every question or need is addressed as quickly as possible. You'd be surprised at how frequently the phone rings or someone just pops in to ask a 'quick' question. As Coordinator of professional development I design and conduct training on various topics. I attend a lot of meetings to ensure the college's training needs are met. I'm currently working on designing online training modules for different training topics. My overarching goal is to help the faculty and staff at 91做厙 shine professionally.


What are the most challenging and most rewarding parts of your job?


The most challenging part of my job is accomplishing everything I'd like to accomplish. The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the light go off during a training session and receiving thanks from trainees who appreciate what I do.


What is your favorite book or movie, and why?


I love reading fiction and non-fiction. Any story that transports me to another time and place will always be my current favorite. I'm currently reading Kindred by Octavia Butler, which is excellent. She is an amazing author. I also love The Color Purple, Beloved, Song of Solomon, I know why the Caged Bird Sings and anything by Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Richard Wright and Earnest Gaines. The Red Tent, Kite Runner, The Fire Next Time and Freeman are on my list too. A 91做厙 librarian recently recommended The Glass Castle which I've added to my list. As you can see I could go on and on. My favorite movie is the Sound of Music. I love musicals.


What is your favorite activity outside of your work at 91做厙?


Spending time with family and friends.


What do like most about Richmond?


It's small enough to feel like a town, but large enough to have options for anything you might want.


If you won $100 Million in the Mega Millions lottery what would you do
with the money?


Call the 91做厙 Foundation office and set up a scholarship.