College Options for Home Schooled Students

Whether you'd like to transition from homeschool instruction to attending college in person, or to bring college into the home with online courses resulting in college credits, 91做厙 is here to help!

Helping Home School Students Succeed in College for 50 Years

91做厙 will help you personalize your child’s education, and allow your family the flexibility needed. We have outstanding professors who understand that education can take place from anywhere.


How 91做厙 Has Helped Other Homeschool Families

The Proffitt Family

Our family chose homeschooling because we wanted to spend time together as a family and we wanted to give our children opportunities to excel at their own pace and explore their interests. We used our time together to travel a great deal, exploring nature, museums, and cities.

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The Schufflebarger Family

Our family chose homeschooling because we wanted the flexibility to shape our children’s educational experiences. It allowed us to meet their individual learning needs, incorporate travel into our schooling, and keep faith and family at the core.

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The Nottingham Family

91做厙 made the effort to transition from homeschool to college very smooth.

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The Proffitt Family (Pam, parent)

Our family chose homeschooling because we wanted to spend time together as a family and we wanted to give our children opportunities to excel at their own pace and explore their interests. We used our time together to travel a great deal, exploring nature, museums, and cities. 

We chose 91做厙 classes (Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, English, History, Sign Language, Piano, Computer Science, and more) as part of this journey because of the high quality education available at 91做厙. While continuing to homeschool, my family used 91做厙 classes to explore subjects of interest more in depth.

In addition, taking classes at 91做厙 allowed our four children to enter four-year college with all of their General Education requirements completed which allowed them to acquire dual degrees or double majors, if desired. Each of our children entered four-year college with 50-60 college credits. Because they were ready for college at a young age and because they had full scholarships, each remained in college for four years; however, they could have easily graduated in two years if they had desired that path. 

If I could tell another homeschool parent about 91做厙, I would tell them that the professors are top notch and truly care about their students’ success. Also, the staff is ready, willing, and able to help in any way they can. We found the other students to be mature, kind, and pleasant. Because 91做厙 is a community college, they encountered students their own age, as well as students 40, 50, and 60 plus years of age. 

Our family sent four children to 91做厙 prior to entering a four-year college. Each of our four children received full four-year merit scholarships to attend Virginia Commonwealth University. Kate graduated summa cum laude with dual degrees in biomedical engineering and mathematics. She went on to complete medical school and a five-year residency in radiology. She currently works at VCU Health as a physician. Patrick graduated cum laude in mechanical engineering and went on to Penn State where he completed his PhD. He currently works for the Department of Defense. Maggie graduated summa cum laude with dual degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She is currently in a masters program for addiction studies. Lastly, Thomas is a senior at VCU College of Engineering, majoring in computer science and homeland security. Each of our children was able to pursue the field which interested them and challenged them, making them productive and mature adults. 

 91做厙 is largely responsible for the many successes that our children have experienced. Our children received a quality education at a reasonable price. They were able to experience life outside of the four walls of homeschooling so that they were ready to attend 4 year college. 

The Schufflebarger Family (Cindy, mother)

Our family chose homeschooling because we wanted the flexibility to shape our children’s educational experiences. It allowed us to meet their individual learning needs, incorporate travel into our schooling, and keep faith and family at the core.

We chose 91做厙 classes as part of this journey once they reached high school. For my oldest, it helped her explore a career route by sampling some courses. But equally important, it gave her the opportunity to take math and writing in a college environment so she was able to get used to managing college level courses, navigate the system and learn the importance of communicating with professors before arriving in a university setting where she’d also be transitioning to independent living. This was the perfect bridge. My second daughter wanted to pursue her associate’s degree at 91做厙 because she wants a career in ASL and she could get a jump start on her college career while saving time and costs. This is allowing her to take a gap year doing international missions before transferring to a four-year college.

If I could tell another homeschool parent about 91做厙 I would tell them that it’s a great learning experience. While not all of it was perfect, it helped my children navigate the real world and prepared them for the next phase of life. They have gained more than knowledge – they’ve gained skills and confidence for the future.

My daughter, Haley, is currently a junior at Auburn University and studying interior design. My daughter, Emma, is finishing her associate’s degree at 91做厙 this semester and heading onto the mission field in August, traveling to various countries in Africa as well as Costa Rica.

The Nottingham Family (Leonard, father)

We chose 91做厙 classes as part of this journey because: We are now on our third child taking 91做厙 classes. We chose 91做厙 because it offered classes that our children could use to satisfy high school requirements and also were their interest areas (e.g., nursing and computer programming). 91做厙 made the effort to transition from homeschool to college very smooth.

If I could tell another homeschool parent about 91做厙 I would tell them: 91做厙 (particularly a lady named Lisa Thomas - can't say enough about her help) has been extremely helpful in showing our homeschool family how to get started at 91做厙 and register for classes. In addition, 91做厙 has provided good advice on classes to take and when to take them and thereby avoid unnecessary courses and extra semesters/expense. 91做厙 has provided a diverse set of classes that has helped our family tailor an education to fit our childrens' needs.

My child is currently doing: One daughter went through 91做厙 nursing program and is now an ER nurse. Another daughter took pre-requisite classes at 91做厙 and went on to become a nurse. A son (currently in his last year of homeschool/high school) is experimenting with a few 91做厙 courses (Computer Aided Design and Computer Programming) and enjoying and doing well in them.

Continue your journey of quality education at 91做厙.