Student Spotlight

Sharneice M

Sharneice M. , Health Information Management
Hometown: Richmond, VA

A familiar face on the Parham Road campus, Sharneice, or Neicy, loves being involved at 91做厙. Her involvement has taught her how to take risks and lead while preparing her for a career in health information management.

What (or who) motivates you to pursue a college education?

Better career opportunities and job security is what motivates me to pursue a college education. Also, I think college is a good time to really figure out what makes me happy. I can take some risks and learn more about myself while pursuing a degree.

Are you involved in any clubs or organizations at 91做厙?

In the past I have been involved with the Black Student Union (BSU). We discussed topics regarding African American history. Being a part of BSU gave me new knowledge about our history and I was able to learn from other students' perspectives and make new friends. I've was also in a club called Socialites! We met once a month to discuss our feelings about real life situations and put together a Sweethearts dance, which was fun.

Are there any extracurricular activities you would recommend?

I recommend Student Senate, the Ambassador program, and Phi Theta Kappa because they give students a chance to grow in a diverse setting, and a chance to have a voice and lead, which is awesome. I've been an Ambassador myself for two summers and I can honestly say it's helped me become a positive strong-minded leader! I'm also a member of Phi Theta Kappa which is an honors society. We have multiple opportunities for scholarships and we serve in our community.

What is the best piece of advice you've been given?

A wise man once told me, "Live every day like it's your last! Take risks and live life to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised!" This makes me motivated to go to work and school every day with an open mind and to stay positive. This also motivates me to not eat junk and go out more.

What are your future goals or next step after 91做厙?

After 91做厙 I plan to attend Norfolk State University (NSU) for Sociology. I chose this route because it's so many different occupations full of diversity that blows my mind! I adore children, learning, and getting on a personal setting with my peers (understanding their truth/history).

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