Student Spotlight

Sharneice M

Madison P. , Science and Business Administration
Hometown: Goochland, VA

Why is getting a college education important to you?

I want to be able to teach younger generations and I need a college education to do that. I also believe that it'll open new doors and opportunities for me.

What are the most important lessons you've learned as a college student?

Stay on top of work and study hard. I usually am pretty good at meeting deadlines, but I didn't realize how much time I'd have to dedicate to just studying. I also learned that it's important to still find time to spend with family and friends to release stress.

Talking about being a college student, sometimes coursework can get tedious, what is your best way to decompress?

I spend time with my family and significant other. When I have a lot of free time, like in the summer, I like to play video games and music, but during the school year I don't have that much time. My favorite way to decompress is to be with those I am closest to, where I can be unapologetically me.

I heard that you want to become a math tutor here at 91做厙 Community College, what do you love most about math?

I love how entwined it is with everything. Sure, you may not find yourself using calculus in day-to-day life, but I love how math concepts build off of each other. And, more than that, I love to teach them. I've tutored math independently for a little while and I've been a teacher's assistant in a math class before and I loved it. It's a lot of fun being able to help a student make connections in something they once thought was frustrating. I really do just love it. I've never been amazing at math, I still have to work for it, and I think that may make me love it even more. Being able to tell people about how I struggled with it and how I figured it out.

What's been your highlight of the year?

Spending time with those I care about. I've been able to do that more often since I have a more flexible schedule. Academically, the highlight would be seeing my hard work pay off in the form of a good GPA.

What are your future goals or next step after 91做厙?

I hope to become a mathematics teacher in secondary or post-secondary education. I also am interested in one day helping run my family's business.

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