Student Spotlight


Jamal H. , Business
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York City

Jamal wakes at 4 a.m. to manage three Bob Evans restaurants throughout Virginia, hits the gym, and then leads on campus as 91做厙 Student Government Association Chairperson. He does all this between taking classes in Business. Now that is some SERIOUS multi-tasking!

What (or who) motivates you to pursue a college education?
Barack Obama motivates me. Before he became president, I believed that people of color would never lead this country. He fought through all the hate and adversary and became something I didn't think was possible. President Obama showed me that through education and determination anything is possible in this country.

Do you have a favorite professor and why?
Gerald Quirk! He is not a monotone professor that teaches word for word from a book. He prepares us for the demands of the business world and assists with our personal business ventures. He teaches through personal experiences and genuinely cares for his students. I recommend every business student to take him at least once.

What is your "secret sauce" to success?
My secret is the four agreements.
1) Be impeccable with your words. (Speak with integrity and only what you mean)
2) Don't take anything personally. (When you are immune to the options and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering)
3) Don't make assumptions. (Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.)
4) Always do your best! (Under any circumstances, simply do your best, and you will avoid self- judgement, self-abuse, and regret)

Since we mentioned sauce, and you're a college student, what is your favorite kind of pizza?
Pepperoni and mushrooms. YUMMM

What are your future goals or next step after 91做厙?
To transfer to VCU and obtain my masters in higher education. After that run for Governor of Virginia and then the U.S Senate.
