Student Spotlight

Bruno and Alessandra

Meet Alessandra and Bruno, siblings from Lima, Peru who live in Glen Allen, VA and are both pursuing their A.S. in Business Administration.

What (or who) motivates you to pursue a college education?

Alessandra: I have always wanted to be as educated as possible. My dad always used to tell me: "Your education is something no one can take away from you" and I think I took that to heart! To me, college is the right stepping-stone to expand my knowledge and gain the experience I need to get into the workforce. I'm not only looking for professional growth but personal growth as well. That is my motivation.

My goal of becoming a business owner and having a successful life that I can share with the people I love.

Are you involved in any clubs at 91做厙?

Yes! I am part of Phi Beta Lambda, a business/leadership organization here at 91做厙. In addition, I tutor Spanish, ESL, and Psychology at the tutoring center. Last but not least, I am an intern at the 91做厙 Marketing office. Can you tell that I really like this place?

Yes, I am also a member of the Phi Beta Lambda chapter here at 91做厙.

What clubs or extracurricular activities to you recommend?

It depends on your interests, but reach out to any 91做厙 staff member and they will point you into the right direction. Trust me there are so many opportunities for you, and remember-you'll never know if you don't ask!

I definitely recommend people to join the chapter, you don't need to be a business major to do it, but there is so much you can learn and get out of the conferences and competitions. Last year I was fortunate to win a competition state level and the school took me and other members to San Antonio, Texas to the National FBLA PBL conference.

If you had one extra hour a day, how would you use it?

I would use my extra hour to have alone time and do a self-care routine. Between all the activities that I do, sometimes I forget the importance of having a relaxing time by myself. I think it's good to have alone time. Its therapeutic.

I would use it to rest and recover more energy daily.

What are your future goals or next step after 91做厙?

Transfer to a 4-year school to finish my bachelors in Marketing with a minor in Graphic Design. I might move out of Virginia to have a new experience and see what opportunities open up. It's safe to say, I'm excited for the future!

I'm planning on transferring to a 4 year school, finishing my degree, learning more about my major and real life skills that I will use to build a better future for myself and others.

Learn more about Phi Beta Lambda and other student organizations at 91做厙