ACA Career Coaching Student Learning Outcomes

Grade Level Themes: Each year in the program, students must master the grade level theme for maximum potential for success in the next grade level. The themes are designed to be cumulative and allow students to revisit previous topics in individual meetings with the career coach, during SDV 100 in the summer between 10th and 11th grade, and during strategically repeated academic extension sessions.

9th Grade Year Themes

During the 9th grade year, the ACA Career Coach is focused on establishing a method of communication for the ACA students (and their families) and building rapport. It is essential the ACA students trust the career coach and begin to see the career coach as an integral part of each individual student's support network. With these outcomes in mind, the ACA Career Coach will deliver the following interventions during the 9th grade year.

Adjustment to High School

Personal Organization


Exam Preparation

Stress Management and Coping

GPA Calculation

10th Grade Preview

Learning Outcomes: Students will make a connection to their high school. Students will adopt personal organization strategies. Students will adopt study and exam preparation strategies. Students will understand the high school GPA and its implications for their participation in the ACA program. Students will adopt stress management strategies. Students will recognize their stress triggers. Students will recognize their stress-related behaviors.

10th Grade Year Themes

The 10th grade year is a time of transition for the ACA student since students must go from being high school students to being students enrolled at 91做厙. The ACA Career Coach manages all of the paper work necessary to facilitate this process as well as helps students make a successful transition to the college. The ACA Career Coach helps students meet these objectives with the following interventions.

Preparation for VPT-English

Preparation for VPT-Math

91做厙 Enrollment

  • 91做厙 Application
  • 91做厙 Catalog
  • 91做厙 Placement Testing
  • 91做厙 Course Request Form (Summer)
  • 91做厙 Elective Choice and Course Request Form (Summer)
  • 91做厙 Course Request Form (Fall -- Junior Year)
  • My91做厙 Log-In
    • Gmail
    • SIS
    • Canvas

College Readiness

11th Grade Preview

Learning Outcomes: Students will prepare for the Virginia Placement Tests in Math and English. Students will complete 91做厙 enrollment tasks. Students will begin to transition their thinking about college-level work. Students will preview the 11th grade.

11th Grade Year Themes

During the 11th grade year in the program, students begin the 91做厙 coursework. Depending on the local school district, students will complete 9 to 15 credit hours of course work each semester. The pace and the rigor of the content offered in these courses may be challenging for students. The ACA Career Coach uses this year to help students make connections to the skills acquired through previous intervention experiences in the program, make connections to student support services offered at 91做厙, and finalize plans for program completion and additional study at the University level.

91做厙 Enrollment

  • 91做厙 Course Request Form (Spring -- Junior Year)
  • 91做厙 Elective Choice and Course Request Form (only if not completed during previous)
  • 91做厙 Course Request Form (Fall -- Senior Year)

Developing a Study Plan

Preparing for Exams

University Admissions

  • Financial Aid
  • Common Application
  • Transcripts
  • Admissions Calendar
  • Admissions Interview

Resume Writing

12th Grade Preview

Learning Outcomes: Students will complete 91做厙 enrollment tasks. Students will develop a personalized study plan. Students will prepare for exams. Students will prepare for the senior-year university admissions process. Students will preview the 12th grade.

12th Grade Year Themes

As high school seniors, students in the program are balancing two objectives. These students are participating in the same University admissions process as other high achieving students. Simultaneously, these students are as well as striving to complete their associate degree programs at or above the same level of academic excellence shown in the 91做厙 course work during the junior year. The ACA Career Coach offers progressive support to these students designed to empower students to seek information on their own, maximize the resources available to them, and evaluate opportunities.

University Admissions

  • Financial Aid
  • Common Application
  • Transcripts
  • Admissions Calendar

91做厙 Graduation Applications

91做厙 Transcripts


Interviewing Skills

Business Dress Codes

Learning Outcomes: Students will finalize their individual university admissions plan. Students will apply for 91做厙 graduation. Students will learn to request their 91做厙 transcripts. Students will identify and apply for possible internships. Students will learn interviewing success strategies. Students will practice interviewing skills. Students will learn appropriate professional dress attire for interviews and other workplace situations.

Meet the Coaches